The Beast | Tempe | English, Irish, Bars and Clubs | Restaurant

The Beast

Neighborhood: Tempe
The original Cornish Pasty Co., at Hardy and University drives in Tempe is a lovely place to enjoy hearty food and thick beers from the U.K. But it’s more of a restaurant than a bar; it’s even family-friendly to some degree. Do a little exploring inside Cornish, though, and you’ll stumble upon The Beast, which is where you can get some real drinking done. The Beast can be accessed by either the dark front entrance, the trash-piled back entrance, or by weaving through the Cornish, past the bathrooms, and toward the red, glowing light on the other end of the restaurant. You might also follow the sound of blaring metal, even a live show, though you’ll have to let your eyes adjust to discover which. At the bar, you may order food, a frothy Guinness, or any number of house cocktails, and watch the cooks prepare dishes using the warped, worn, and charred pots and pans (presumably Cornish’s secret sauce). There are pool and darts, too. The Beast is so named in honor of the now-gone 6 East Lounge that was on Seventh Street east of Mill Avenue, which everyone called The Beast because the 6 looked like a B.
Lauren Cusimano