Best Place to Buy Dead Things in Jars 2020 | Curious Nature | Goods & Services | Phoenix

It's hard to predict what exactly you'll find when you stop in at this self-described "fine science and natural history emporium for all things fantastic and strange." Curious Nature's best known for its collections of bones and taxidermy, but the shop's "Wet Specimens" are also a source of endless fascination. Species suspended in glycerine or isopropyl alcohol solutions include everything from the sorts of things you might see in your high school science lab (preserved fish, centipedes, and frogs) to colorful art-science blends (dark red diaphonized frogs, iguanas, and snakes) to mad-scientist or sacrificial-ritual level items like octopus, dissected half-pigs, feral sheep and sheep brains, and turkey heads. Truly a shop of horrors, this place — and we mean that in the most complimentary way possible.

If you're not well-versed in the ways of santeria, voodoo, hoodoo, root magic, and other related spiritual practices, you may feel intimidated stepping into the small storefront of Zombi World Market. But you don't have to be. If you're new to these belief systems, or you're just curious about what the store is all about, the staff is welcoming and happy to answer questions about how to use items like hoodoo oils and crystals. There are candles, jewelry, used books, ritual items like powders and roots, and things our uninitiated eyes can't even identify. We feel very confident stating that this is one of the most interesting shops in all of Phoenix. You won't regret stopping in.

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