Best Place to Watch Lucha Libre 2019 | Lucha Libre Voz | La Vida | Phoenix

In America, professional wrestling is considered to be, at best, a fringe pursuit enjoyed by neckbeards, or, at worst, trash culture meant for lowbrow types. In Mexico and other Latin America countries, though, it's known as lucha libre and is revered as an art form and cultural tradition stretching back almost a century. Masked luchadores, one of its best-known hallmarks, are considered to be superheroes, god-like beings, or a bit of both. It's been a draw for the Latino community everywhere, including in border states like Arizona. They're not the only ones cheering on the technicos (a.k.a. the good guys) and booing the rudos (or villains), as the higher-flying and faster-paced alternative to American-style wrestling appeals to people of other ethnicities, too. For proof, attend the matches put on by Lucha Libra Voz, one of the most popular promotions in the Valley. Heroes do battle against dastardly foes at nightspots and events like car shows and cultural festivals. We're certain you'll be cheering and jeering along with the rest of the audience in no time, cabron.

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