Best Drink That'll End Your Night 2009 | The Trashcan at the Rogue Bar | Bars & Clubs | Phoenix

James Bond would not drink the Trashcan. Elegant, classy, or sophisticated it is not. It is, however, effective. Very effective. This mysteriously delicious elixir is served in a mini-pitcher and made with generous pours of whatever liquors and liqueurs the bartenders grab (we really don't believe it's consistent) garnished with a crushed can of Red Bull. Completed, it takes on an enchanting blue hue — the color of a mermaid's eyes, some say — and packs a powerful punch. Save a $10 bill (plus $1 for a tip) and don't order the Trashcan until after midnight, because after this drink, you're done. Oh, and after you've slurped it down through the handful of cocktail straws the bartenders toss in each pitcher, eat something or expect to wake up with the jitters, a flavor reminiscent of the top of a nine-volt battery lingering on your palate.

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