BEST PLACE TO SCORE VIDEO GAMES 2006 | Bookmans Entertainment Exchange | Shopping & Services | Phoenix
For many video-game enthusiasts, the main topic of conversation lately on bulletin boards and AIM exchanges is the next-gen console war among the PlayStation 3, the Nintendo Wii and the Xbox 360. That means only one thing for those of us who don't give a crap: Cash-hungry kiddies everywhere will be throwing their old games and systems into hock to save up $600 for a PS3. That is to say, this fall and winter will be a prime time to stock up on all those games you've been meaning to play but couldn't afford or find before. So whether you're looking for that elusive copy of Zombies Ate My Neighbors or Chrono Trigger, or looking to beef up your current-gen Xbox collection with a minimal amount of damage to your wallet, Bookman's offers more button-mashing for less, and that's always good news for the hard-wired gamer set.
You may have seen Missy Keast doing her signing story time on the first Thursday morning of the month at Changing Hands Bookstore in Tempe, but did you know she's now got her own series of signing videos for kids? Signing is all the rage right now don't worry, studies have shown your baby will still talk, but she will be able to better communicate with you earlier, through sign. And there's no better way for you and your baby to learn sign with apologies to the singsongy folks who bring us the nationally syndicated "Signing Time!" than with the "Signs for Intelligence" series. As the name implies, it's a smarter choice. Keast, who has two young children of her own, carefully leads the viewer through a series of signs ranging from the alphabet to simple vocabulary words. And she's got way better hair than that "Signing Time!" woman.
Sophie doesn't like to get her bangs cut, and don't even talk to Annabelle about her tangles. Sometimes, a parent is the worst person for the job when it comes to kid grooming. That's why we head to Snip-its when Sophie can't see, or Annabelle's locks are approaching the dread stage. Okay, so really, if we were nice, we'd comb our kids' hair out first, but we leave the nice part to the Snip-its stylists, who ply our kids with candy and specially created Snip-it kid videos (sounds creepy, but trust us, once you see your kid go into that TV daze, you'll be begging for a punch card at the front desk). Speaking of the front desk, when you check out, your kid gets to put a card in a special machine and claim a prize. The prize is free, unlike the irresistible hair accessories and other small toys, but the price you'll pay is worth it for a well-groomed, happy kid. Now, if someone would just open a salon where you could get your newborn's nails clipped.
The key to a pleasurable mall trip with the kids? Baby steps. Don't try to tackle the whole place. Save that for a day you've got a sitter, or give up entirely and shop online in the middle of the night, like we do. If the A/C and bright colors of the mall beckon, head to Chandler Fashion Center and follow our simple instructions for a great time: Enter through the Barnes & Noble. Immediately stop at the Starbucks inside. Fortified, you can find yourself waylaid for quite a while in the children's section, and if you work it right, you can grab yourself a book or magazine from the adult aisles. Or let Junior hand you something fun to read. The children's section here even features a small wooden stage perfect for cuddling up to read or clearing off to perform. From B&N, you'll be led directly to the small playground, limited to toddlers and open enough to guarantee you can watch your kid the whole time (other local malls' indoor playgrounds include closed slides; you'll drive yourself nuts making sure Junior's okay). Do be careful there are no escapes into the elevator the playground's one design flaw. The best part? You can go to Build a Bear or the candy store if you choose, but neither is visible from the playground itself, ensuring that the parent gets to make that call. We're pretty certain the mall planners didn't do that on purpose, but we're grateful nonetheless.
The other day, our kindergartner announced she was in pre-production on a play, and desperately needed material for costumes. We know from experience that even a trip to JoAnn's can result in a bill over $20, for gauze and sequins that might never leave the bag. So we satisfied our thespian's thirst for threads with a trip to SAS. For $6.71, we left with a bag packed with multicolored gems, lavender lace, ribbon, and even a few couldn't-resists for mom. Don't forget the play's the thing!
Our 5-year-old is obsessed with Calico Critters. If you've never heard of them, skip this category, and consider yourself lucky. These little pieces of fur-covered plastic are the bane of our current existence, and they're damn hard to find, which is why we're so lucky to have Kidstop, which stocks them in several varieties from the Calico Critters Marmalade Bears to the Calico Critters Pigglywink Pig Family, complete with their homes and furniture. Sure, those learning-centric toy stores are all good and you can find plenty of that stuff at Kidstop but the reality of child rearing is that sometimes, you need a Groovy Girl or an Ork Waghar (we have girls, so honestly, we don't know what that is, but Kidstop has it and it looks scary and totally not the type of thing one of those creepy parenting magazines would tell you to buy your child) to really make the kid's day. And who are we fooling? Isn't that what parenthood and, certainly, grandparenthood is all about?
Walking through the door of Bears & More is like taking a trip back in time to an era long before Nintendo and Bratz dolls. Hundreds of lovable teddies perch on the shelves, each one with its own distinct personality. And we're not talking blue-light specials here. These are high-quality mohair collectibles from industry names including Canterbury, Steiff, and Cooperstown. You can even customize your teddy without having to visit one of those mall shops where they cram the bear's ass with stuffing and staple it shut. Just choose a cuddly plush toy and spruce it up with a pink parlor dress or a fireman's uniform from the wide selection of outfits. The shop provides instructions on how to hand-make your own basic teddy if you're handy with a needle and thread although we'll just leave that one to the pros.
There are three categories that baby gifts fall into: essential, practical, and just plain cute. Crismon's Baby Boutique has it all. For new mothers, there are comfy gliders to rock you and your infant to sleep. Grandparents-to-be will want to check out the store's huge furniture inventory, from shaker-style pine changing tables to a black mission crib with smart green plaid linens. Mom will love the practicality of baby furniture as a gift, and the new Nana and Pop can subtly influence the room's decor. For the bundle of joy, there are pastel layettes, a nice selection of onesies for comfort, and christening outfits that haven't changed in more than a century. Yup, those long white wedding dresses or knickers and frilly button-up tops are still chic for baby's first big day. We think the best gift at Crismon's is the toddler-size rocker. As soon as baby's old enough to hold her head up or crawl, she'll love the custom-painted, cute-as-a-button chair personalized with her picture.
If dressing for success gets you ahead in this world, then kids outfitted at Petite Chteau are destined to be doctors, lawyers, and maybe even president. The shop carries True Religion jeans, Lucky Brand, and tons of Juicy Couture. Sure, not everyone is willing to pay $40 for a layette, but this is the kind of place you go to splurge, not to pinch pennies. We can't get enough of Chteau's boys' line. It can be difficult to find trendy boys' duds that aren't preppy, so check out Italian designer Rare's edgy, modern tees and pants, which hover in the $40-to-$60 range. Screen-printed tees and layettes with clever sayings are really hot this year, and Petite Chteau is right on top of that trend. Our favorite is the "Does This Diaper Make My Butt Look Big?" onesie by Haute Stuff. Who knows what's on baby's brain before she can communicate, but if it's anything like her Mommy, that question is already on her mind.
We want the kids to look cute, but all those buttons and bows and tulle and don't even get us started on the challenges of Juicy Couture can get in the way of play. That's why we love the "piggy brand" at This Little Piggy Wears Cotton. Indeed, our little piggies wear it whenever we can get our hands on it (hint: this place has great sales), and our favorites include the piggy logo, splashed all over a cotton dress or tee (they've even expanded to adult boxers and PJs). This season we are also coveting the bright blue apple print and the yellow with roses. There's even a toile specially designed to celebrate Santa Barbara, This Little Piggy's original home turf. We'd love to see a Biltmore toile. 'Til then, we're happy to dress the little ones in the rooster print.

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