Stuff people said at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024 | Phoenix New Times

Stuff people said at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024

“Do you see that zombie over there? I used to date him.”
A group of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" cosplayers talking at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024.
A group of "Avatar: The Last Airbender" cosplayers talking at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024. Benjamin Leatherman
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Geeks were definitely in the mood to gab at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024. They flocked Arizona’s largest pop-cultural event by the thousands, enjoying three days of nerdy fun at the Phoenix Convention Center from Friday to Sunday.

They came, they saw and they geeked out, all while discussing their many experiences during the weekend-long con.

Fan Fusion patrons weren’t the only ones doing the talking. Each of the event’s celebrity guests — including such actors and personalities as Michael Rooker, Alan Tudyk and Adam Savage — were equally verbose during their Q&A panels or interactions with the public.

Here are the most interesting, amusing and memorable things we overheard during Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024.
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Tori Zevv of Gilbert as Harley Quinn poses for a photo outside of the Phoenix Convention Center.
Benjamin Leatherman
Phoenix Fan Fusion attendees were ready for a weekend of fun.
“I can’t believe I waited an entire year for this.”

Some folks considered the event to be their happy place.
“This is the only place for me to really be me.”

Others found its size to be a little daunting.
“I don’t know if I can handle all this walking.”

Fan Fusion’s security guards even got a little geeky at times.
“This is like Sisyphus with another stone.”

People came prepared to three-day event.
"Did you forget your stuff?"
"No, it’s in my dino hump."

Some dressed dressed the part.
“Like anyone in their 30s who’s a dude, I’m wearing X-Men shit.”

And all the cosplay which amused onlookers.
“Y’all look amazing! A little warm, but amazing!”

Attendees encouraged each other to take photos.
“Photos are great because they capture the moment, and they’re embarrassing on Facebook.”

And offered alternate costume ideas.
“That guy’s dressed as a pirate but he has a great Henry VIII face.”

Some folks learned some harsh lessons while cosplaying at Fan Fusion
“I will never paint myself green ever again.”

While other cosplayers discovered their outfits made eating a challenge
"I want to eat my pizza, but I can’t take off my helm."
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The food court inside the Phoenix Convention Center during Fan Fusion 2024.
Benjamin Leatherman
Some people got a little testy during a lunch break at Fan Fusion...
“Hold your pizza with both fucking hands!”

… Especially when it came to deciding what to get from the outdoor food trucks.
“Could you pick what you want to eat? My body paint is starting to melt.”

Others reportedly experienced time-space warps after hitting the outdoor bars.
“I’m just buzzed enough that I can walk and talk, but still, everything’s in slow motion.”

Fan Fusion attendees dealt with the heat...
“Stay inside as long as fricking possible.”

...And found relief wherever they could.
“This is my favorite part: the shade.”

The heat got to some, though, like one person cosplaying Marvel villain Jack O'Lantern.
“If you ever hear 'pumpkin pie' coming from this costume, you know I’m done and roasted.”

There were many familiar faces at Fan Fusion 2024.
“Do you see that zombie over there? I used to date him.”

And amusing interactions taking place in the exhibit hall downstairs...
“Hey Mario, you want to hold onto this hook?”

...As people were discussing plans to meet up.
“I’ll meet you back here by these creepy-ass dolls.”
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Adam Savage during his Q&A panel at Phoenix Fan Fusion 2024.
Benjamin Leatherman
Meanwhile, celebrity guests like Adam Savage said the darndest things during their Q&As.
“By the way, if there are any children in the audience I want them to know cursing is cool. Cursing is the only worthwhile thing that adults get to do.”

Others revealed how they handle rejection, like when Michael Rooker discussed being turned down for roles.
“Whenever I don’t get the job, I just say, 'Those damn people don’t have good taste whatsoever.'"

Rooker was as memorable as ever, especially when asked about Yondu's best line in "Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2."
"Dude, I’ve always been Mary Poppins."

Dick Van Dyke offered some bittersweet and sentimental comments at his Q&A.
“Everyone I knew is now in heaven. I’m the last of my generation. I’ve outlived everybody. If I had known that I was going to live this long, I would’ve taken better care of myself.”

Some Q&As had surprises, like when Gina Torres dropped by the panel of her “Firefly” co-star Alan Tudyk.
"Can I have something from your bag of crap?" Torres asked.

"It’s my room key … from a place in London a few months ago. Meet me there!" Tudyk responded.

By the end of the weekend, many Fan Fusion attendees were worn out.
“I really should’ve taken Monday off. My boss is going to kill me because I’m going to be falling asleep at work.”

Some cosplayers were grateful to take off their costumes.
“Once we get to that point, I’m ditching the headpiece.”
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