Andy Biggs Says Special Counsel Mueller Should Resign | Phoenix New Times

Arizona's Andy Biggs Co-Sponsors Resolution Demanding Robert Mueller's Removal

The special counsel investigating the Trump campaign's ties to Russia has been in Biggs' crosshairs for a while.
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Conservative members of Congress, including Arizona Congressman Andy Biggs, introduced a resolution on Friday that would remove special counsel Robert Mueller from the investigation of the Trump campaign's ties to Russia.

Biggs co-sponsored the resolution with two other GOP lawmakers, Congressmen Matt Gaetz of Florida and Louie Gohmert of Texas.

The pretzel logic behind the resolution? Biggs and the other lawmakers say that Mueller ought to resign because he served as FBI director while then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton oversaw a sale of a Canadian mining company to Russia's nuclear power agency in 2010.

Because the mining company, Uranium One, had operations in the U.S., conservative media outlets have jumped on the sale to make the false claim that Clinton somehow sold "20 percent of our uranium to Russia." But by law, Russia can't legally export uranium from the U.S. to begin with.

So why call on Mueller to resign over what was a peripheral deal even for Clinton and the State Department?

The whole theory has been decried as a distraction from the biggest threat yet to Trump's White House: the first indictments in Mueller's investigation. Last week, a grand jury hauled in former Trump campaign manager Paul Manafort, aide Rick Gates, and foreign policy adviser George Papadopoulous.

In a statement on Wednesday, Biggs said that these indictments were "arguably outside the special counsel's jurisdiction" and prove that there was no Trump-Russia collusion.

“Mueller is incapable of leading a focused, unbiased investigation," Biggs said in the statement. "I continue to demand his recusal while supporting the joint investigation by the House Judiciary and Oversight committees to hold hearings concerning the DNC and Clinton campaign collusion, and other potential crimes under the former administration."

The special counsel has been in Biggs' crosshairs for a while.

Back in June, Biggs called on Mueller to resign because of his relationship with fired FBI director James Comey. In a statement, Biggs said that Mueller's "ability to be impartial is doubtful because he has surrounded himself with highly partisan lawyers who make a special practice to line the coffers of Democrats."
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